50 Picture Description Examples with High-Scoring Answers

50 Picture Description Examples with High-Scoring Answers
Photo by Jon Tyson / Unsplash

On the Duolingo English Test, there are three "Write About the Photo" questions and one "Speak About the Photo" question. This means picture description questions are a big part of the DET.

In this article, you can see 50 examples of picture description questions with high-scoring answers.

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Table of Contents

How to Prepare for Picture Description Questions

Improving at picture description questions is one of the easiest things you can do to raise your score on the DET. With just a few strategies, tips, and tricks, you can easily score much higher.

First, you should watch our guide to picture description questions:

Then, I would recommend watching this video, which will give you a bunch of useful vocabulary:

Finally, for advanced tips, you should check out this article: 9 Best Tips for Picture Description on the Duolingo English Test.

50 Picture Description Samples with High-Scoring Answers

Example 1

Example 1

The image captures a sweet moment between a young girl and a small gray rabbit. The girl, who has long blonde hair and striking blue eyes, is lying on her stomach, resting her chin on her hand. She is gently holding the rabbit beside her, smiling softly at the camera. The background is light and airy, creating a calm and happy atmosphere. Presumably, the bunny is the girl's pet.

Example 2

Example 2

The image captures a moment from a women's basketball game. Two players are in focus, one wearing a white uniform and the other in a black uniform" The player in white is on defense, closely guarding the player in black who has the ball. The player in black appears to be looking for a teammate to pass the ball to. The gymnasium's floor is shiny and reflective, and other players can be seen in the background.

Example 3

Example 3

The image shows a man in a business suit checking his watch while walking on a city street. He wears sunglasses and is carrying a briefcase, suggesting he might be on his way to work or an important meeting. The background includes a tram and a clear blue sky, indicating it's a bright day. The man appears to be in a hurry, suggesting he is running late.

Example 4

Example 4

The image features a cheerful scene in a modern kitchen, where a young mother with short curly hair and a light grey cardigan kneels to help her son with his backpack. The boy, who has curly blonde hair, is wearing a grey sweatshirt and blue jeans. The kitchen is stylish, with minimalist decor and a touch of greenery on the counter.

Example 5

Example 5

The image captures a dynamic and joyful moment of a group of people striking playful poses against the backdrop of a stunning sunset. The silhouettes of about ten individuals, some holding hiking poles, create a lively and adventurous atmosphere. They are on a hilltop, and the sky behind them glows with vibrant shades of orange and yellow, suggesting the close of a day spent outdoors.

Example 6

Example 6

The image features a woman sitting cross-legged and spreading her arms wide in a small wooden boat, exuding a sense of joy and freedom. She is surrounded by a breathtaking natural setting with emerald-green waters and rugged limestone cliffs that rise steeply in the background. The sunlight illuminates her and the scenic landscape, highlighting the serene and picturesque environment, perfect for an adventurous outing.

Example 7

Example 7

The image portrays a young girl running joyfully toward the camera through a forest path. The trees form a natural archway around her, creating a striking, symmetrical frame. The forest is bathed in rich autumn hues, with leaves ranging from deep red to golden yellow, casting a warm glow over the scene. The girl, in a light, flowing dress, appears carefree and exuberant, embodying a sense of freedom and delight in the enchanting woodland setting.

Example 8

Example 8

The image captures two Buddhist monks in vibrant orange robes walking along a shaded forest path. They appear engaged in conversation, looking at each other while strolling. The surrounding forest is lush and tranquil, with tall pine trees lining the path and casting shadows. This serene setting evokes a sense of peaceful contemplation and spiritual connection.

Example 9

Example 9

The image shows a young woman walking with a large husky dog by a dock. She wears a yellow raincoat and a plaid shirt. The background features a big boat. It looks like a cold and gray day. The woman holds the dog's leash firmly as they walk side by side.

Example 10

Example 10

The image shows a happy woman playing with a large black and white dog in a field. They are surrounded by a beautiful mountain landscape with snowy peaks. The woman, wearing a winter hat and a light pink sweater, smiles as she reaches out to the playful dog. It's a sunny, joyful day outdoors.

Example 11

Example 11

This image shows a group of people working together. Three people are seated. Two are writing something while the third is working on some kind of tablet. It is not clear what they are working on, but judging by their age, this picture was taken in a work setting as opposed to a school setting. The room they are in looks pleasant. Sunlight is coming in from some windows and they are in short sleeves and dresses, suggesting that the temperature is warm.

Example 12

Example 12

The image captures a dramatic black and white scene of a person diving off a high arch bridge into a river. The bridge, constructed of stone, gracefully curves over the water, connecting historic buildings that cling to the riverbank. The diver is caught in mid-air, creating a moment of thrilling action against the backdrop of an old, picturesque town.

Example 13

Example 13

The image shows a group of five people around a table, working together. They seem focused and seem to be discussing something important. There’s a woman standing and leading the meeting. Everyone is looking at papers and a digital tablet that shows colorful charts. The room is bright, and it looks like a friendly and busy workspace.

Example 14

Example 14

The image shows people in a modern office building with large windows that look out over a city with tall buildings. Some people are walking and others are talking in small groups. The man walking in the foreground is wearing a suit. The scene is busy, and it feels like a typical day in a big city office.

Example 15

Example 15

The image shows a man focused on his work at a table. He is wearing glasses and a red and black checked shirt. The table is covered with papers, a ruler, and a hard hat, suggesting he is doing some sort of technical or engineering work. He looks serious and concentrated as he leans over his work.

Example 16

Example 16

The image shows a woman and a man working together in an office. The woman is in front, and she is writing on a sticky note. Behind her, a man is looking at what she is writing. Both are wearing business suits. Hers is grey while his is black or blue. They both seem focused on their work, and the whole scene gives the impression that they are discussing something important.

Example 17

Example 17

The image shows a woman sitting on the floor at a small table in a cozy room with brick walls. She is playing a game, I think it is called jenga, and there are wine glasses on the table as well. A man is sitting across from her, but only his legs are visible. The room has a warm, inviting glow from the lights.

Example 18

Example 18

The image shows a man sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him. He is wearing a blue shirt and a tie. He looks serious and is looking directly at the camera. There is a coffee cup next to his laptop. The background is an office space with glass partitions.

Example 19

Example 19

The image shows a couple spending a quiet evening together in a stylish living room. The woman is comfortably seated in a modern chair, deeply engaged in reading a book. The man is sitting on a sofa, focused on his laptop. The room is warmly lit with large round lights hanging from the ceiling, creating a cozy atmosphere. The walls are made of brick, adding a rustic touch to the modern decor. They seem relaxed in each other's company, each absorbed in their own activity.

Example 20

Example 20

The image shows a group of four people having a lively discussion in a modern office lounge. Two men and two women are sitting around on plush armchairs and a couch. They are all high-fiving. They all seem happy and engaged, wearing smart casual and business attire. The room is bright with natural light coming through large windows.

Example 21

Example 21

The image captures a thrilling moment of a person doing a flip into the water. It's not clear if it is a man or a woman, but they are wearing light blue swim trucks. The background is mostly a cloudy sky, with a blurred outline of some kind of equipment, like a dock, but it isn't clear either. The water below is calm.

Example 22

Example 22

The image shows a young woman walking down a narrow street in a charming old town. The walls of the buildings on either side of the street are painted a bright blue, creating a picturesque setting. The street is adorned with hanging textiles and lamps, adding to the cultural atmosphere. The woman, wearing a long beige dress and carrying a bag, seems to be exploring the area alone, immersed in the beauty of her surroundings.

Example 23

Example 23

The image shows two people enjoying an adventure in the woods, seated on the hood of an old-fashioned black vehicle, possibly a jeep. They are surrounded by tall, dense pine trees, creating a peaceful and natural setting. The woman is holding a map and pointing something out to the man, suggesting they are planning their route or exploring the area. The atmosphere is casual and adventurous, perfect for a day out in nature.

Example 24

Example 24

The image captures a thrilling moment of a surfer riding a wave during a beautiful sunset. The sky is ablaze with orange and yellow colors, contrasting with the cool blue of the ocean waves. The surfer is expertly maneuvering atop the crest of the wave, surrounded by splashes of water. The vibrant colors and dynamic action create a scene full of energy and excitement.

Example 25

Example 25

The image shows two people sitting on the roof of a classic orange van, enjoying a sunset at the beach. The van is parked near the ocean. The people seem relaxed and are likely friends having a good time. The sunset casts a warm, golden light on them and the scene, making it look peaceful and inviting. This picture captures a moment of friendship and adventure in a beautiful setting.

Example 26

Example 26

The image captures a group of five friends sitting on a log in the middle of a lush forest. They are surrounded by greenery and a small stream flows underneath them. The friends appear relaxed and happy, and some of them are holding their hands towards the sky. Perhaps it is a group of friends who are on a hiking trip and who sat for a moment to rest.

Example 27

Example 27

The image shows an elderly woman standing next to a white llama. She is dressed in traditional clothing, including a bright red skirt and a large, pointed hat. She holds the llama’s lead and carries a colorful woven bag on her back. They are beside a stone house with a small window. The scene suggests a rural or mountainous setting.

Example 28

Example 28

The image shows a group of cyclists racing closely together on a sunny day. They are wearing tight, colorful cycling outfits and helmets. The focus is on two riders in the front, wearing blue and black jerseys, who are intensely pedaling and looking ahead. Just behind them are two other riders in matching red and black jerseys. The scene gives the impression that they are in an intense competition.

Example 29

Example 29

The image shows two people kayaking in a serene lake. They are in a yellow kayak, paddling together with green forest surrounding them. Both individuals are wearing red life jackets and look focused on their activity. The water is calm and a beautiful turquoise color, reflecting the tranquility of the natural setting. This peaceful scene highlights the enjoyment and adventure of outdoor activities like kayaking.

Example 30

Example 30

The image shows a young woman with curly red hair, wearing a casual outfit of a yellow top and ripped jeans, walking a Shiba Inu dog on a leash. She is in a lush park with a paved path and is looking at her smartphone while walking. The scene is tranquil, highlighted by abundant greenery and a serene atmosphere.

Example 31

Example 31

The image shows a group of women participating in a fitness class inside a bright room with brick walls and large windows. The focus is on a young woman in the foreground, wearing a white sports bra and black leggings. She stands confidently with her hands on her hips, possibly preparing for a yoga or aerobics session. The other participants in the background are seated on purple mats, stretching or getting ready to start the workout.

Example 32

Example 32

The image captures a joyful children's birthday party scene in a cozy living room. A young child in a party hat is dancing or playing in the foreground, while other children sit on a sofa in the background, watching or waiting for their turn. The room is decorated with colorful banners and balloons, creating a festive atmosphere.

Example 33

Example 33

The image shows a young woman sleeping peacefully in a bright, serene bedroom. She is lying on a bed covered with a white quilt and surrounded by fluffy pillows. Her hair is spread out on the pillow, and she appears to be in a deep sleep. The room has a clean, minimalistic design with light colors, enhancing the calm and restful environment. Perhaps she is taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon.

Example 34

Example 34

The image features a young woman resting her head on a stack of books at a wooden desk, appearing to be asleep or taking a break. She is wearing a light blue sweater, and she sitting on a teal chair that looks quite comfortable. The background is a simple pink wall, which adds a soft and calm feel to the scene. It could be the case that young woman is tired after doing a bunch of reading or studying.

Example 35

Example 35

The image shows two children having fun with books in a playful manner. They are sitting on a wide windowsill with large windows behind them, letting in plenty of light. The children, a boy and a girl, are using their books as pretend roofs over their heads, mimicking houses or shelters. Both are smiling, enjoying their imaginative play.

Example 36

Example 36

The image captures a classroom scene where a teacher is interacting with her students. The teacher, standing by a whiteboard filled with diagrams and notes, holds a book and seems to be explaining something related to biology. Two students enthusiastically raise their hands, eager to answer or ask a question. The classroom seems simple but clean and comfortable.

Example 37

Example 37

The image shows two young men sitting outside, likely on a university campus or public space. In the background, there are tall buildings, so presumably this picture was taken in a city. One man is holding a notebook and writing something on it, while the other looks on intently with a laptop on his lap. Both are dressed casually. The setting suggests they are students or professionals working together in a relaxed, informal environment.

Example 38

Example 38

The image shows a family scene with a father, mother, and daughter in a bright room. There are large windows with beige curtains. The father is seated at a table, handing a small, colorful backpack to the daughter. The mother stands behind the daughter, smiling and watching the exchange. The setting suggests a loving and supportive family preparing for an outing or school day.

Example 39

Example 39

The image shows a young woman walking down a city street, pulling a white suitcase. She is wearing a hat, a white shirt, and a long black skirt, with a tan backpack. The street is lined with various buildings, including shops and offices, with cars parked along the side. The setting appears to be an urban area, and the traveler seems to be heading towards their destination, for example their hotel or hostel.

Example 40

Example 40

The image shows a mother and her young child in a cozy kitchen. The mother is helping the child, who is seated on a high chair, to make something, maybe a cake. The mother is whisking something that looks like icing. The kitchen counter is filled with ingredients and a cookbook is open on the table. The scene is warm and homey, reflecting a shared moment of baking and bonding between them.

Example 41

Example 41

The image shows a woman in a kitchen, wearing a beige headscarf and a black top. The kitchen background is modern and clean. She is carefully leaning over a frying pan on the stove, using a wooden spoon to stir or taste the food. Her expression suggests she is concentrating on the dish she is preparing.  Perhaps she is preparing a special meal or is cooking with a recipe that she is perfecting.

Example 42

Example 42

The black and white image shows a man sitting at a picnic table on a beach, with his back to the camera. Beside him, on the table, sits a shaggy dog, who is looking at the camera. The beach is empty, creating a peaceful, solitary atmosphere. In the background, there are calm waters and distant hills. The scene suggests a quiet moment shared between the man and his dog, possibly reflecting on their surroundings.

Example 43

Example 43

The image shows a cute baby dressed in a chef's outfit, complete with a large white chef's hat and a yellow apron. The baby is sitting in a bright, cheerful kitchen, holding a small yellow toy or piece of food. The background is filled with kitchen items and decorations, creating a playful and adorable scene. The baby looks curious and focused, as if they are about to start a fun cooking adventure.

Example 44

Example 44

The image shows a lively gathering of friends in a modern kitchen, preparing and sharing a meal together. Several people are engaged in conversation, while others focus on cooking tasks. The countertop is filled with various ingredients, utensils, and bottles of wine. Overhead, large lights shine down, filling the table with light. It looks like a casual and enjoyable evening, where friends come together to cook, eat, and enjoy each other's company.

Example 45

Example 45

The image shows two young children running down a wide, tree-lined path in a park. The child in the foreground is wearing overalls and a white shirt, while the child ahead is dressed in a light blue shirt. The park is peaceful, with neatly trimmed grass and trees on either side of the path. The children appear joyful and carefree, enjoying their playtime outdoors in a safe and beautiful environment.

Example 46

Example 46

The image shows a beautiful bride in a white wedding gown, seated by a picturesque fountain, surrounded by three young children. Two boys, dressed in black tuxedos, and a girl in a white dress stand beside her. The elegant building in the background has arches and lush greenery, adding to the serene and joyous atmosphere. The bride looks lovingly at the children, suggesting a family celebration or wedding day filled with love and happiness.

Example 47

Example 47

The image shows a small boat with several people, floating on crystal-clear water. The water is so clear that the rocks and stones on the bottom are visible. The people in the boat appear to be relaxed, enjoying their ride. One person is rowing, guiding the boat gently through the water.

Example 48

Example 48

The image shows a cup of hot tea or coffee in a decorative brown cup and saucer. Beside it, there is a plate of chocolate sandwich cookies neatly stacked. The setting appears warm and inviting, suggesting a perfect moment for a relaxing tea or coffee break in the afternoon or early evening. This looks like it would be a nice treat on a cold, winter day.

Example 49

Example 49

The image shows a young woman standing in front of a chalkboard filled with complex drawings, equations, and notes. She is wearing glasses and a red blouse, holding a book in one hand and pointing to the chalkboard with a pointer in the other. She appears to be teaching or explaining something detailed and technical. The scene suggests a classroom or lecture setting where the woman is an engaged and knowledgeable instructor.

Example 50

Example 50

The image shows a couple brushing their teeth together in front of a bathroom mirror. Both are wearing white t-shirts and seem to be preparing for the day or getting ready for bed. They appear to be sharing a quiet, routine moment, reflecting their closeness and comfort with each other. The lighting is soft, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere in the bathroom.