Get 10% off the Duolingo English Test when you book through Arno

You will also get your results in just 24 hours and receive premium support from Duolingo in case you have any problems with the test.

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Arno is proud to be an official partner of the Duolingo English Test!
Official Duolingo English Test Global Counselor Network logo for Gold Partner status

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does the coupon code work?

When you purchase your test through Arno, you will save 10%. Within 24 hours, we will send you a coupon code that you enter into the official Duolingo English Test platform and that will allow you to take the test without paying.

We also have a videothat walks through the whole process

How much does the Duolingo English Test cost?

The full fee is $65 USD for one test. When you book using Arno’s discount code, the fee is just $58 USD, a 10% discount.

Does the coupon code expire?

After your purchase a test through Arno, you will have 21 days to take it. After that, your test expires and you won't receive a refund. (This is a rule imposed by Duolingo, not us.)

How long will it take to get my DET results?

Normally, it takes 48 hours to receive your scores. However, when you book through Arno, you will only have to wait 24 hours.

What is the “premium support” that I receive from Duolingo if I book through Arno?

Without premium support, when you write to Duolingo it can take up to a week to receive a response. With premium support, you will hear back within 48 hours.

How can I get help if I run into any problems while registering for the Duolingo English Test?

Just send us an email at [email protected].

No. 38273
Prepared by Andrea
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