“Listen and Type” - Guide to Duolingo English Test Question (2024)

In this post, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the “Listen and Type” question on the Duolingo English Test, including the tips and tricks that will get you the highest score.

Table of Contents

What is the “Listen and Type” question?

The “Listen and Type” question looks like this:

Example of a “Listen and Type” question on the Duolingo English Test
Example of a “Listen and Type” question on the Duolingo English Test

You will have 60 seconds to listen to the statement and type what you hear. The statement is usually just 1 sentence.

The “Listen and Type” question tests how well you understand spoken English.

The challenging part with this question is that you can only listen to the statement 3 times. Later in the post, we will see how you can maximize each listen and get the right answer.

This question appears 6 to 9 times on the test, making it one of the most common questions. It counts toward your Comprehension and Conversation subscores.

Tips to do well on “Listen and Type” questions

Make sure your volume is turned up

When you come to a “Listen and Type” question, the audio will play automatically. If the volume on your computer or laptop is off or low, you won’t hear it!

Pause between listens

You have plenty of time for this question, so don’t rush. After each listen, take a moment to think about what you just heard.  What do you think they said?  What did you not understand? Were there any words you didn’t recognize? Pay attention to these things the next time you listen to the statement.

Listen twice. Write your response. Listen the final time.

Here are the steps you should follow to answer this question:

  1. Listen to the statement for the first time. ☝️Remember! The audio will play automatically when you come to the question.
  2. Click the blue replay button to listen to it again.
  3. Enter your answer.
  4. Click the blue replay button to use your third and final listen and check your answer.

How to practice "Listen and Type" questions

With Arno, you have access to unlimited “Listen and Type” practice questions that are just like the questions on the actual test!

1) Go to duolingo.goarno.io. If you don’t have an account, create one.

2) Select the “Listen and Type” question type.

The "Listen and Type" question in the Arno dashboard
The "Listen and Type" question in the Arno dashboard

3) The audio will play automatically. Listen carefully.

4) Hit the blue “play” button to play it once more.

Example of a "Listen and Type" practice question in Arno
Example of a "Listen and Type" practice question in Arno

5) Enter your response.

6) Hit the play button again to listen to the statement a third and final time. Check your response.

7) Hit “Submit” and compare your answer against the correct one. If your answer is correct, the box will be green. If your answer is incorrect, the box will be red.

Comparing your response to the correct response in Arno
Comparing your response to the correct response in Arno

8) Once you’re done, you can proceed to the next question by hitting the little right arrow.

How to proceed to the next question in Arno
How to proceed to the next question in Arno


Now that you understand the “Listen and Type” question type, all you have to do is practice!

With Arno you can get unlimited practice questions for “Listen and Type” questions and all question types! We provide you with instant scoring and feedback. It’s the best way to prepare for the Duolingo English Test and get the score that you need.

The best part is that it’s FREE! To get started, just click below 🙂

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